We're Australian Factoring Company.
The dependable, reliable, cash flow funder.

AFC has been a preferred business cash flow funder for over 20 years.
Our services

Invoice Factoring
Debtor finance solutions for manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, distributors, service industries, and more.

Automotive Factoring Specialists
Specialists providing cashflow finance solutions for the automotive industry. Includes Commercial Invoices and Not-at Fault Recoveries.

Third Party Recoveries
Factoring your third party recovery invoices with our specialised in-house not-at-fault recovery service.

About Australian
Factoring Company
AFC, a subsidiary of Butn Limited, has clients who feature across the manufacturing, mining, wholesale and distribution, and service industries.
Why Us? Experience Matters!
Managing the cash flow of any business can be stressful. For this reason, businesses entrust AFC to deliver their cash flow solutions. You will receive same-day payments to the full value of your invoices (less an agreed Debtor Finance Fee), allowing you to put your cash to immediate and more efficient use.
We manage the collection of your invoices, saving you the time and effort involved in chasing debtors. We are your accounts receivable!